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Support the Y

Help give young people a chance at a better future, inspire healthy lifestyles for everyone, and build vibrant communities right where you live, and beyond. 

Make a donation


Youth Development


Camp kids

Healthy Living


Workout image

Social Responsibility


Volunteer pic

Why give to the Y

Everyone knows the Y as a place to camp, swim, or exercise. Yet, the Y is so much more. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, with a focus on youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility, strengthening communities is our cause. At the Y, we believe that lasting personal and social change happens when we all work together. Every day we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income, or background, has the opportunity to be healthy, confident, connected, and secure.

When you give to the Y, you strengthen our community and move us all forward.  As a leading nonprofit for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility, the Y uses your gift to make a meaningful, enduring impact right in your neighborhood.